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Special deer hunt permits available for Cascade River, Judge C. R. Magney state parks

Sep 21, 2018 07:56AM ● By Editor

Photo:  Minnesota Public Radio

From the Cook County News Herald - September 21, 2018

Cascade River and Judge C R. Magney state parks will again hold special firearms deer hunts this fall during regular firearms season November 3 – 18.

Hunters wishing to participate in one of the special state park hunts will need to obtain a state park deer hunt permit in addition to their regular license. Deer hunters with a special deer hunt permit for Cascade River or Judge C.R. Magney State Park will be able to harvest one deer of either sex within their selected park with their regular license.

Additionally, hunters may purchase a bonus tag to harvest an antlerless deer within the park and still use their regular license to hunt another area outside the special park hunt area as long as they follow all applicable rules for that area. Statewide bag limits still apply, so a hunter may tag one legal buck per year, without exception. 

“The special hunt permit is not a license or tag. It simply allows for an efficient way to monitor the number of hunters in the park’s boundaries and better monitor the harvest within the park’s boundaries, “ said park manager, Peter Mott. “If the available permits are not fulfilled, additional permits may be available at the park office after October 12th on a first come, first served basis.”

Deer taken within the park’s special hunt area must be registered to the special hunt number for the park (area 900 or 911). It is unlawful to register a deer taken outside the park boundary under the special hunt number.

Portable deer stands are allowed for this special state park hunt, but must be removed within a day after the hunt. Permanent deer stands, screw-in steps or other devices that damage trees are not permitted. See page 78 of the 2018 Minnesota Hunting and & Trapping Regulations guide for further information.