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Boreal Community Media

Thank you from the Cook County Education Foundation

Mar 09, 2020 09:39AM ● By Editor
March 9, 2020

Cook County Education Foundation would like to say thank you to everyone who helped make E.A.T.S. 2020 such a wonderful experience. We couldn’t have done it without you! 

The diners enjoyed the great food and drink provided by our local restaurants. We are grateful to the high school choir and band for providing the diners with entertainment while they ate.  The Auction was a huge success thanks to the generous businesses and individuals who donated so many interesting items. We really appreciate all those who bid so generously because all the funds raised will support special activities and opportunities for Cook County students.

And speaking of those students--a very special thanks to those who assisted with set up, serving and clean up. We couldn’t have done it without you!