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Cook County CARES Relief for Food Service Available

Oct 21, 2020 08:43PM ● By Editor

From Prosperity North - October 21, 2020

The federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act established a
Coronavirus Relief Fund. Minnesota was allocated funds, from which Cook County received
$730,087. This funding must be used to support businesses, hospitals and individuals impacted by the pandemic. Of the Cook County allocation, $200,000 is being used for grants to local businesses to reimburse expenditures related to COVID–19.

Cook County/Grand Marais EDA, Cook County Chamber of Commerce, and Northeast
Minnesota Small Business Development Center are administering the grant program.
Guidelines to apply for a grant in Round 3
  • Food service businesses located in Cook County are eligible. Respond, in order, to the questions as listed on the Application. Applicants must be committed to being open for business throughout the winter of 2020/2021.
  • Grants up to $5000 are available for Cook County CARES, Round 3. Total amount available for grants in Round 3 is $40,000.
  • Expenses must be in response to COVID-19. As we look at the projected course of this pandemic, it seems possible that food service will be forced to reduce indoor seating. If that happens, investments in HVAC, plexiglass, etc. will be of little use.  Therefore, Cook County CARES Round 3 grants will focus on supplies and equipment needed for take-out and delivery. If businesses decide to go ahead with indoor enhancements, the grant funds should help free up self-financing for the indoor investments.
  • Expenses including, but not limited to, such items as computers, software and other hi-tech goods, take-out containers, delivery drivers, as examples.
Applications must include copies of invoices or receipts for expenditures that have already been incurred. If expenditures are planned for future purchase, include estimates or quotes and timeline for purchase. If applications are approved for future purchases, funds will be released when invoices and receipts are submitted as proof of purchase.

Invoices and receipts must be submitted by 5 PM on November 12, 2020. This is a firm deadline. No exceptions can be allowed, due to program restrictions from the source of the funding.

Non-eligible Expenses
  • Lost Revenue
  • Expenses for which you have received other reimbursement (“Double-Dipping” is not allowed)
  • Property taxes
Scoring of Applications
Members of the Cook County CARES Task Force will review and score Applications.
Points will be given according to the following criteria.

Up to 10 points Applied for but did not receive other federal or state COVID-19 grants or loans

Up to 5 points Application is complete
Up to 5 points Invoices or receipts attached to Application
Up to 20 points Maximum points available

Grant Program Timeline
Grant program announced and open for applications Oct 21, 2020
Applications must be received by EDA by 5:00 PM Oct 26, 2020
Grant awards announced Oct 29, 2020
Invoices and receipts due for approval of reimbursement Nov 12, 2020

Application must be received by 5 PM on October 26, 2020 at [email protected] , or drop off at Grand Marais City Hall, or PO Box 597 Grand Marais MN 55604

Contact for Questions
EDA Executive Director Mary Somnis [email protected] 218-387-3112