Despite early leaf color change, DNR predicts normal foliage season
Aug 20, 2022 06:25AM ● By Editor
By Bo Fogal from KBJR-TV • August 19, 2022
The Northland is known for many attractions, but the foliage season is one few forget. The fall season is near and leaves have already begun to change color in some parts of the Northland, but what could that mean for the foliage season?
According to scientists, leaves typically begin to change color by mid-to-late September in northern Minnesota. For central Minnesota, it’s around late September into early October.
Lately though, leaves have already begun to change color and scientists believe it’s from the recent dry weather. Most of the Northland are experiencing drought levels including Duluth, but drought levels are higher in northern Wisconsin as of Friday, August 19th.
Sunlight and precipitation are the main two factors that impact the leaf color.
“It’s not that unusual for leave colors to sometimes occur early. Leaves are changing relative to what they’re experiencing in the present and what they’ve experienced over the past few weeks,” said Minnesota state climatologist Dr. Luigi Romolo.
Despite the early colors, Dr. Romolo expects the foliage season to be normal. But he said there is a common myth many folks believe. “If we’re seeing colors earlier than normal, that doesn’t necessarily mean we’re going to have a cold, brutal winter,” said Dr. Romolo.
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