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After two year hiatus, E.A.T.S returns to raise money for the Cook County School District 166 Education Foundation

Mar 10, 2023 05:43PM ● By Content Editor
Photo: Gunflint Mercantile provided chocolate truffles for the event. All photos by Laura Durenberger-Grunow

By Laura Durenberger-Grunow - Boreal Community Media - March 10, 2023

Back after a two-year hiatus, 125 community members bid on auction items, listened to local musicians, and sampled food at the 18th annual Enrichring Academics Through Sustenance (E.A.T.S) event, sponsored by the Cook County ISD 166 Education Foundation. 

The Education Foundation has a mission to "offer unique experiences for students through innovative instruction and co-curricular programs which are unable to be funded by ISD 166 or other sources," according to their website. 

The 2023 E.A.T.S event on March 9 featured 11 Cook County food vendors, Cook County ISD 166 culinary art students, and local musicians. 

Boreal Community Media spoke with Ann Sullivan, Education Foundation Board Member, about the event. 

Sullivan shared that she in particular loved the live music. 

"Great music by the ISD 166 choir and the North Shore Swing Band. Ben Obinger's solo performance was absolutely outstanding," she said. 

While good food, mingling, and live music are favorite components of the event, the silent auction is a big piece as well. 

"We're still working on collecting money from item winners, and some items and gift certificates were left behind. We're calling people this weekend to have them arrange pickup at the school next week," Sullivan said. 

The Board will know more next week as to whether their fundraiser goal was met. 

When asked if a 2024 event was already in the works, Sullivan shared that planning is already underway. 

"Our board made notes of things to improve upon, ideas, suggestions, and more from this event", she added. 

To learn more about the Cook County School District 166 Education Foundation, visit:

 11 food vendors participated in the 2023 EATS Fundraiser. Pictured: Shook Smoothies and Gunflint Mercantile

 Community members gather to socialize, eat, and bid on silent auction items

  Community members gather to socialize, eat, and bid on silent auction items

  Community members gather to socialize, eat, and bid on silent auction items

 The silent auction contained physical items and gift certificate offerings 

 Just a small sample of physical silent auction items

 Community members bid on different items throughout the night, hoping to be able to take them home

 Lutsen Resort was back with their famous Swedish Creams


 The District 166 culinary arts students served a variety of items

 The menu for the District 166 culinary arts table

 The Cook County Co-op served two dishes to attendees. Pictured: Mexican street corn


 Community members gather to socialize, eat, and bid on silent auction items

 Poplar Haus served creamy walleye chowder

  The Gunflint Lodge served Gunflint walleye cakes


 Cascade Restaurant and Lodge serviced pork belly crostini's


 Hungry Hippie Tacos provided tostadas


 The North Shore Swing Band had community members tapping their feet and dancing

 The 2023 event was held at the ISD 166 building