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Superior National Forest Storm Damage Update - June 26, 2024

Jun 26, 2024 07:42PM ● By Editor
FR 913 on the Tofte Ranger District due to flooding and associated erosion. Photo Credit: USDA Forest Service

From Superior National Forest - June 26, 2024

On June 24th the Superior National Forest (SNF) issued an Emergency Forest Closure Order 09-09-24-05, for June Storm Restrictions - restricting occupancy and use in several affected areas across the 3-million-acre National Forest. Today, June 26th, at time of release, the SNF had 28 roads, 2 wilderness entry points and no recreation sites closed. Two road closure limits have been updated and four new roads are now closed on the Laurentian Ranger District. The Tofte Ranger District updated the closure limits on one of the currently closed roads. SNF staff encourage interested public to see all related storm updates on the Superior NFs website -, see Alerts.

Today, June 26, Exhibit A closures now include: 28 roads, 2 wilderness points of entry and no recreation sites.  

Updates to Exhibit A:

Forest Road Updates:

  • LaCroix Ranger District made no other changes.
  • Laurentian Ranger District updated:

*Limited closure of FR 256 (Hulm/Pfeiffer Lake Road) to a portion south of FR256M (Hulm Spur M to Pfeiffer Lake Campground) - please note there is access to the campground.

*Limited closure of FR 425 (Bundle Lake Road) – Portion after FR 778 (Cadotte Campground Road/Bundle Lake Road) - please note there is access to the campground.

Newly closed on Laurentian Ranger District:

* FR 257 (Old Angora Road) portion beyond FR257B (Old Angora Rd Spur)

*FR 407 (Kinny Creek Road)

*FR 790 (Hush Lake Road)

*FR 1602(Trigstead East)

  • Kawishiwi Ranger District made no changes.
  • Tofte Ranger District updated closure limits on FR 348 (Whitefish Lake Road/Timber Frear ATV Loop) portion between FR348G (Whitefish Lake Boat Landing) to junction of FR348 and FR348I – Updated 6/26/2024

Wilderness Entry Point Updates:

  • No new updates.

The area continues to have an on-going travel advisory due to area blow downs (see release June 23), inconsistent water flow in streams and rivers, as well as connected bodies of water.  

Closure Daily Update Log:

  •  June 24 – Forest Emergency Order effective 12:01 a.m., at the time of release, the SNF had 23 roads, 1 wilderness point of entry and no recreation sites closed in Exhibit A.
  • June 25 –At the time of release, the SNF had 25 roads, 2 wilderness points of entry and no recreation sites. The SNF added 3 roads, opened 1 road and added an entry point.

Forest Order Exhibits - The June Storm Restrictions Order Exhibits A & B have been updated. Exhibit C is no longer in use.

Public Notice of Updates - Please be reminded this is an on-going weather event and Forest Order Exhibits will be updated periodically and public notice will be made as updates are posted. (see links for all related forest closure order information:

Travel Advisory - Visitors are encouraged to use extreme caution on canoe routes throughout the BWCAW and across the SNF. River and stream flows are fast moving with swift water and continue to rise in some locations; portages may be affected with flooding or more difficult to find. Stay within your skill levels and remain safe and flexible. If conditions exceed your group’s abilities, turn around and exit the area. Also, remember to always wear your life jacket.

Photos - See link below for our '2024 June Storm' Flickr Album - please give photo credit to: USDA Forest Service, Superior National Forest, unless otherwise noted in file name.

On-going SNF alerts and closures - can be viewed on this web page with an interactive map: Superior National Forest - Alerts & Closures (


Question:  Was the Superior National Forest completely closed for a period of time earlier this week?

Answer: No. The Emergency Closure Order only affected specific areas of the SNF, see release on forest order page for initial release June 24.


Question: How do we know if the BWCAW entry point we have planned is open?

Answer: SNF staff are monitoring BWCAW entry points. When an entry point is affected by the storm, permittees impacted are contacted directly by If you have any questions, please contact your permit issue location or the Ranger Station closest to your entry point and check the Alert banner on the BWCAW Permit on for the latest information. 

Emergency Closure Order 09-09-24-05: June Storm Restrictions
Exhibit A Storm Restrictions List
Exhibit B Map Image
Visit our June Storm Damage Flickr Album
Boreal Ship Spotter - larger view here