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Today! Cook County Board Seeks Public Feedback Following County Administrator Candidate

Mar 12, 2025 07:56AM ● By Content Editor
From Cook County, Minnesota - March 7, 2025

March 12 update: The recording is now available on the county's YouTube website here.

The Cook County Board will conduct back-to-back interviews with their top two candidates for the County Administrator position starting at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Approximately 50 minutes have been allotted for each interview. The interviews will take place in the Commissioners Board Room in the County Courthouse. The public is welcome to attend and observe, and the interviews will be recorded/livestreamed (visit the County's YouTube page here) for those who are unable to attend in person.

A public feedback form will go live on the Cook County website at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 12, and become inactive at midnight. Community members may use the form to submit their input for the Boards’ consideration. The feedback form was provided by David Drown Associates (DDA), the firm that was engaged to recruit candidates for the County Administrator position. The public feedback form can be found here: Interview Feedback Form. Also at the same location is a Final Interview Preparation document that includes a table of questions that cannot be asked under any circumstances during the interview process. It is recommended that those submitting feedback read this document as well.

The Board intends to review input, discuss and vote on the preferred candidate the following morning, Thursday, March 13, so please submit public feedback forms within the designated time frame.